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의 실금 영어로

"의 실금" 뜻

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  • incontinence
  •     의1 [소유] ‥'s; of; belonging to.
  • 실금    실금 a fine crack; a threadlike fissure.♣
  • 실금    실금 a fine crack; a threadlike fissure.♣ 실금(이) 가다[나다] get a fine crack (in it). 찻잔에 ~이 갔다 The tea cup got a fine crack in it.실금 [失禁] incontinence. ~하다 be incontinent; be unable to retain one's bodily
  • 변실금    Fecal incontinence
  • 실금의    incontinent
  • 요실금    요실금 [尿失禁] 『韓醫』 the incontinence of urine.
  • 감정실금    Pseudobulbar affect
  • 진실금지구역    Inside or Outside
  • ~의    heterochthonous; transregionate
  •     의1 [소유] ‥'s; of; belonging to. 아버지~ 집 my father's house. 우리~ 소원 our wishes. 톰~ 아버지 Tom's father. 나무~ 뿌리 the root of a tree. 한국인~ 소련관 the Korean view of the Soviet Union. 그는 아이~ 머리를 때렸다 He struck the
  • ...의 밑에    undergird; below
  • 3의    triplex; ternary; trinal; triple; treble
  • 70의    seventh
  • … 의 앞에    in front of
  • 가상(의)    virtual
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